Her Charm – Episode 24

Her Charm - The Leap Home - Episode 24

Her Charm was the fifteenth episode of Quantum Leap’s second season to air, with Sam coming to realise that the FBI agent he has replaced is not one of the good guys. In this episode Gerry and Iain discuss hubris and its consequences.

Sam leaps into Pete, an FBI agent ostensibly charged with protecting Dana Barrenger (Teri Austin) from Nick Kochifos (John Snyder), her former employer who she turned in to the authorities for criminal activities including drug dealing and people trafficking, but who was acquitted at trial.

Sam is assigned by FBI agent Richardson (Stanley Brock) to take Dana to a safehouse in Baltimore, but knowing Nick and his sidekick Andy (René Assa) are likely aware of that destination he diverts to a cabin in the woods where he developed the theory behind the Quantum Leap project with his friend Professor LoNigro (James Hardie).

Her Charm was directed by Christopher T. Welch, the first of four directorial credits on the show. The story was by Paul M. Belous, his second and final episode, after Jimmy.

In this episode Gerry and Iain considered whether in all the circumstances Pete’s decision to turn Dana over to Nick was justified.

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You can listen to the show here on the website, on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, Pocket Casts, TuneIn, Stitcher, Google or wherever you find your podcasts.

Her Charm was released in 1990. It is 48 minutes long and originally aired on the NBC network. It can be viewed on NBC’s Peacock streaming service in the UK and on Roku in the United States. The show is available on DVD and Blu Ray in other countries.